Sponsor a Baby Goat


We are currently offering the Baby Goat Sponsors as a GIFT OPTION for the holidays. Our goats won’t be born until February-April. If you choose to gift a Baby Goat Sponsor, the person will be allowed to name their goat!

$100/3 months: Sponsor a Baby Goat

These are the baby goats! We keep all goats born on the farm for about 3 months. At that point they are either sold to loving homes, or retained here on the farm.  You can sponsor a baby goat before they leave our farm. If we happen to keep them, you can choose to upgrade your sponsorship to the Teenager level. You are welcome to name the baby goat as part of the sponsorship if they don’t already have a name!

 If you choose to sponsor a baby goat, you will get:

  • A Welcome Packet in your own specially designed Copper Tail Farm folder

  • A certificate of Sponsorship for your goat

  • A digital photo of your goat with any updates from the month 

  • An invitation for a Farm Event solely for Goat Sponsors

*Please note- if you Sponsor a goat for the full year, you may still choose to pay monthly and receive the benefits of an annual sponsorship

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