Monthly Sponsor a Goat for One Year: Teenager

$17.00 every month for 1 year


These goats are between 1-3 years old. In most goat dairies,  babies are born in the spring and bred in the fall, often before their bodies are ready. We never breed our goats this young. We wait until the following fall to breed, when the goats are 1.5 years old. Sometimes, we even wait an additional year, when the goats are 2.5 years old. We consider body condition and weight when we make these decisions. That means we often have to raise a goat for a long time before it starts contributing financially to the farm.

 If you choose to sponsor a goat  annually*, you will get:

  • A Welcome Packet in your own specially designed Copper Tail Farm folder

  • A certificate of Sponsorship for your goat

  • A digital photo of your goat with any updates from the month 

  • An invitation for a Farm Event solely for Goat Sponsors

*Please note- if you Sponsor a goat for the full year, you may still choose to pay monthly and receive the benefits of an annual sponsorship
