Annual Sponsor a Goat: Milker

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$300/year: Sponsor a Milker ($26/month)

These goats are actively producing for our farm. The money from sponsorship for these ladies goes to cover the costs of dam raising. Most goat dairies take the babies away from their mamas right when they are born. The babies are then bottle fed (sometimes not even with goat milk), so the farmer can keep all of the milk from the mama. We let our babies stay with their mamas- they stay together forever if we keep the babies, and until they are weaned if we sell the babies. This means less milk for us farmers, but we believe it is better for the health and happiness of both mamas and babies.

If you choose to sponsor a goat  annually*, you will get:

  • A Welcome Packet in your own specially designed Copper Tail Farm folder

  • A certificate of Sponsorship for your goat

  • A digital photo of your goat with any updates from the month 

  • An invitation for a Farm Event solely for Goat Sponsors

*Please note- if you Sponsor a goat for the full year, you may still choose to pay monthly and receive the benefits of an annual sponsorship